We're klmc.

We Help Technology Companies (like you) establish Real Relationships.

Connect with real people.

Just because it’s the tech industry doesn’t mean that it should be tech-first. Too often we see companies spending all of their time talking about the products, when they should be focusing on the problems of the people that they hope to help. We believe that the technology business revolves around connecting with real people first.

We founded KLMC in 2014 to help B2B technology companies to establish mutually-beneficial, human relationships with the people who they serve. As these tech companies grow and scale with the fast-paced demands of modern advancement, we too grow and adapt with our clients to help them better position themselves towards their ideal customer base.

But enough about us—let’s talk about the daunting task you face.

Clarify the complexity.

You research, develop, create, promote, and deploy complex technology and services for other businesses. You face the dilemma of creating content that engages your customers and prospects but also conveys the technical depth and excellence of your solutions.

Finding this balance is tricky—especially when your marketing resources are scarce and your technical resources are already spread thin. You feel like you have very little time and resources to address the branding and promotional needs of your growing business. 

But marketing helps you to meet your business goals, so you need to do it well.

Speak tech not buzzwords.

We know more than just marketing. We know technology.

We have a uniquely blended industry background. We don’t just maintain a mastery of the written language and extensive marketing applications—we are one of the few marketing agencies that has the hands-on technology experience to competently position your offerings for your technical buyers. Our diversified skillset gives us the concrete proficiencies necessary to go beyond tired IT buzzwords and enables you to drive revenue opportunities through deeper conversations about real-time, industry topics. 

As an extension of your team, we alleviate the burden of technical content creation and promotion so that you can focus on creating the future of technology.

What We Do Best

Our Services

strategic insightstrategic insightstrategic insight

How will you know what to do if you don't know what you've done? Make — Measure — Adapt.

Find and tell the best stories that bring your customers directly to your door.

Know yourself, your customer, and their goals—so you can reach yours.

content marketing

content performance

marketing strategy
& insight

Let's Talk
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We believe in your story.

We believe that good stories connect people.

Your company has the solutions that your clients need; together, we need to get that messaging to the right people at the right time. And while this demands a combination of extensive research, content optimization, and strategic promotion (to name a few), it most importantly means that your content must be client-focused. You’re telling a story through your content, but your story should address your clients’ needs and desires.

You may have the mechanism to solve your clients’ IT pain points, but the client is the hero of the buyer journey and the only one who has the drive and the means to ultimately resolve the conflict of their story. You, on the other hand, are their guide—the Sam to their Frodo, the Watson to their Sherlock—who helps them achieve their goals.

We help you tell these stories through intelligent, compelling content that draws the reader in, addresses their concerns, guides them to a solution, and helps them resolve their conflicts. Telling these stories and then analyzing the connections that make creates loops that feed back on each other to build relationships that connect even more deeply in the future.

We’re technically story-telling. We’re technically marketing.

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Our work beyond words.

In addition to the quality and care that we provide to our clients, we also carry a social and global responsibility. At KLMC, we strive to be good stewards and invest in the people who need it most. We believe that entrepreneurship can be one of the greatest tools we have for the alleviation of poverty worldwide.

As a company, we joined in the movement to solve poverty through entrepreneurship. We support careful organizations like The 410 Bridge, a community-development group focused on providing impoverished nations with the educational and occupational means to create lasting life change. The Business Start-Up Training (BST) program, for instance, enables locals to learn the critical skills needed to start their own small businesses. As part of the program, these BST participants go out into their communities to establish new businesses—creating new job opportunities and accelerating economic empowerment, social community building, and fundamental change.

By working with us, you also partner with us to enable communities to create their own stories of growth and sustainable business success.

To learn more about how you can be involved, visit our friends at The 410 Bridge.